I so enjoyed reading this. Looking forward to reading more. The question about balance, I certainly don't have enough of it regarding rest or looking after myself without feeling guilty. The questions you asked have given me some new ways of looking at what I ask myself and how to reflect.

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Hey Hannah - thank you for stopping by - I notice you are Scottish too. Great to connect here. Happy to know this resonnated for you. I think when we are taught to work hard, rest is so uncomfortable and unfamiliar at first. Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts !

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Hey, first of all you're welcome and yeah I think the Scottish part drew me in too. We are a special kind of women haha. I'm all seriousness though, reading your story about being 19 years old was inspiring. I left Scotland at 16 for Barcelona then Dublin, unfortunately it wasn't a healthy relationship etc but it only makes me want to go back but a part of my will always remain I'm Scotland. Certainly resonates, I'll definitely share my thoughts✨️

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I did ashtanga for a couple of years, read ashtanga blogs, traveled to study in ashtanga studios in Paris, London, Vienna and New York. And then I spent several years not doing asthanga and feeling bad about myself... Now I still do yoga, occasionally, but feel much healthier about my relationship with it. If I go to an ashtanga class, I will only do a short version of a led class, it is what I can handle, but I do love chanting the intro mantra, I still remember every word.

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Hi Liza - thanks for reading - I relate to your journey around yoga - I did Ashtanga so seriously for a few years - then added up in a training course with a terrible teacher who put me off the practice for life (I cannot move my body through primary series anymore - it freezes up). It was then I renegotiated my relationship with yoga and like you ended up with a much more balanced practice which I am happier with and which feels good for me. Maybe that is part of the journey? A part of me is glad I did it so intensely for a while - but I am equally glad I don't do it intensely anymore!

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